Lothar Osterburg

Osterburg, Lothar
Zeppelins docking at Grand Central.
Photogravure on Gampi chine collé.
Size of sheet: 76 x 76 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
The Last Glacier (Miracle of the Snow).
Photogravure on Somerset white.
Size of plate: 55.8 x 55.8 cm. Size of sheet: 55.8 x 55.8 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
Night, 1904.
Photogravure with colour aquatint.
Size of sheet: 88.5 x 70 cm

Osterburg, Lothar
Congestion Planet
Photogravure tea stained on Somerset white.
Size of sheet: 57 x 68.5 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
Flooded Library.
Photogravure on Somerset white.
Size of plate: 69.3 x 88.3 cm. Size of sheet: 69.3 x 88.3 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
Library Dreams (After Magrittes Time Transfixed)
Photogravure with scraping and aquatint on Gampi Chine collé.
Size of sheet: 56 x 56 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
City of Towers (After the Flood).
Photogravure on Somerset white.
Size of plate: 77.5 x 77.5 cm. Size of sheet: 77.5 x 77.5 cm.

Osterburg, Lothar
Under the EI.
Size of sheet: 72 x 89 cm.