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A skeleton and an écorché. Circa 1540-45.

Domenico del Barbiere

* c. 1506 in Florence † c. 1570 in Florence

Engraving. Size of sheet: 24 x 18.2 cm.

Literature:      Bartsch XVI.359.8;

                      Henry Zerner, Ecole de Fontainebleau. Gravures, Paris, 1969, D.B.10.

Provenance: Carl von Fischheim († vers 1838) (L. 536);

                     Gustave Déloye (L. 756).  

Signed in plate 'DOMENICO FIORENTINO' (bottom left).

This is the left half of a larger print representing Two Flayed Men and Their Skeletons (BM inv. 1851,0208.101). According to Zerner, Domenico del Barbiere elaborated the composition after drawings by Rosso Fiorentino.



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