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„Apportez les toiles.“ „Venir avec Carlsund“— Bring the canvases. Can you come with C. ?

Fernand Léger

* 1881 in Argentan † 1955 in Gif-sur-Yvette

Handwritten letter with drawing. Fully signed. c. 15.6 x 11.3 cm.

Paris, 03.05.1926

„Lundi, 3 h Chère Amie. J’ai un courrier qui m’oblige à être absent demain mardi après-midi. Peut-être ne pourrai-je pas corriger à 3 h — Pouvez-vous venir avec Carlsund à 11 h 1/2 midi — ? Je vous attends … jusqu’à midi et apportez les toiles. Cordialement. F Leger“ — Monday 3 h Darling. I have a letter obliging me to be absent tomorrow Tuesday after-noon. Perhaps impossible to correct [C’s works ?] at 3 h — ?

Can you come with Carlsund between 11 !/2 and noon — ? I await you … until noon. Bring the canvases. Cordially. — Drawing of a champagne bottle of which the cork is to jump, along which the words „Very DRY“.

Otto Gustaf Carlsund (11 December 1897 – 25 July 1948) was a studend of Fernard Léger in 1924 and in 1929 was a co-founder with Theo van Doesburg and Jean Hélion of the magazine the Art Concret.

£ 4,000.-


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