Figurative Works on Paper

Rielly, James
Affecting the Human Spirit.
Watercolour on paper.
Size of sheet: 38 x 29 cm.

Griebler, Matthias
Die Flaschenpost (Message in a bottle).
Pencil, crayon, ink and watercolour.
Dimensions variable (Six separate artworks viewed landscape or portrait)

Chaudouët, Yves
L'homme élémentaire.
Gouache on card.
Size of card: 15 x 10 cm.

Chaudouët, Yves
Motus / Motel (Diptych)
Gouache on card.
Size of each: 13.5 x 19.5 cm. Total size: 27 x 19.5 cm.

Chaudouët, Yves
Il Loggiato.
Gouache on card.
16 x 22 cm.