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Italian landscape with aqueduct. Around 1802-1820

Unknown English artist

Pen lithograph in black, with stencil drawing in pencil verso on thin Asian paper. Size of sheet: 8.4 x 12.3 cm.

Wonderful proof impression or progress proof of a pen lithograph, probably by an amateur artist during the grand tour in Italy in the first quarter of the 19th century.

Comparable to the pen lithographs by Caroline Cowdor (Lady Cawdor, 1771 – 1848. Wife of John Campbell, 1st Baron; daughter of Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle), dated 1802 and Henry Bankes (active early 19th century in Bath). Bankes as amateur artist and early lithographer was the author of the first English-language treatise on lithography, published in Bath in 1813 (2nd ed. London 1816). Probably taught lithography by Redman when he moved to Bath at the end of 1812.

Most likely extremely rare.



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