
Anonymous Italian Artist

ca. 17th./18th

Clair-obscur woodcut in brown and black. Size of sheet: 10.3 x 7.5 cm.

Literature:  Undescribed.

Very heavily inked impression with margin and strong relief on the back.


It seems likely that the artist was active in the late seventeenth century. This print, in its roughness and unskilled manner was probably an early attempt to gain the technical skills of the great clair-obscur artists of the previous century. Our print could therefore be an early work of an artist like Antonio Marco Zanetti (1680 – Venice – 1757) or his student Antonio Belemo (active in Venice, first half of the 18th century).

As far as we know, we could not trace another example and therefore our print might be very rare.

£ 2.650.-


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