Untitled 1971

Robert Ryman

* 1930 in Nashville, Tennessee † 2019 in New York

Colour lithograph. Signed and dated. Edition 42/100 (edition only partially executed). Size of sheet: 64.5 x 64.5 cm.

This plate reveals the artist's unusual approach to lithograp: "when the artist worked at the lithograph workshop of Nova Scotia School of Arts, his focus was centered on the physicality of the printing stones rather than of the qualities of the printing ink" (Amy Baker Sandback). As in 'Two Stones', executed the same year, the shape of the printing tool "became the graphic key", here reinforced by the use of white ink. For comparable literature: Amy Baker Sandback, Robert Ryman prints, 1969-1993, Parasol Press, Ltd.,New York, 1993.



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